MGBio - A Tech-Bio Company

Business Description:

As a Tech-Bio Company, we aims to expand research and development capabilities in Health, Industrial, Agri-biotechnologies and beyond. Developing customised packages and high-throughput software and web-based solutions for biological and health big data analysis. Additionally, we aim to develop next-generation tools, protocols and products to improve diagnostics and patient outcomes and to focus on solutions for indigenous challenges such as low resolution diagnostics, antibiotic resistance and infectious diseases. We prioritise maintaining strong relationships with customers and stakeholders through exceptional products and transparent communication. Finally, we aim to form partnerships with academic institutions and industry experts to improve scientific knowledge and product development.

Company Website:



1C4-H Building 01, National Science & Technology Park (NSTP), NUST Campus Sector H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan

Contact: +92 333 9191903


Integrative Biology Laboratory, Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB) 
1st floor, D Block, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), H-12 Islamabad.
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